Results for 'Gregory P. Rocca'

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  1.  12
    Speaking the Incomprehensible God: Thomas Aquinas on the Interplay of Positive and Negative Theology.Gregory P. Rocca - 2004 - Cua Press.
    Gregory Rocca's nuanced discussion prevents Aquinas's thought from being capsulized in familiar slogans and is an antidote to unilateralist or monochrome views about God-talk.
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    The Trinity: An Analysis of St. Thomas Aquinas’ Expositio of the “De Trinitate” of Boethius by Douglas C. Hall.Gregory P. Rocca - 1995 - The Thomist 59 (2):318-322.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:318 BOOK REVIEWS ture. But when it comes to love, " we should measure the love of different persons according to the different kinds of union." Thomas underscores what Outka calls the " inclusive " conception of universal love. God is to be loved as the supreme good, as the source of all happiness; the neighbor is loved as sharing in the happiness we receive from God. Charity eviscerates (...)
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    The Distinction between Res Significata and Modus Significandi in Aquinas’s Theological Epistemology.Gregory Rocca - 1991 - The Thomist 55 (2):173-197.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE DISTINCTION BETWEEN RES SIGNIFICATA AND MODUS SIGNIFICANDI IN AQIDNAS'S THEOLOGICAL EPISTEMOLOGY GREGORY RoccA, O.P. Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology Berkeley, California ST. THOMAS AQUINAS often refers to the distinction between res significata and modus significandi. He asserls that, whie the :absolute and analogical predicates of positive theology may be pveditcated of God with regard to their RS,1 they mrust,be denied of God with regard to (...)
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    Systematic Theology: Roman Catholic Perspectives ed. by Francis Schüssler Fiorenza, John P. Galvin.Gregory Rocca - 1993 - The Thomist 57 (2):305-308.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS Systematic Theology: Roman Catholic Perspectives. Edited by FRANCIS SCHUSSLER FIORENZA and JOHN P. GALVIN. Minneapolis: Fortress, 1991. Vol. 1: Pp. xv+ 336. Vol. 2: Pp. xv+ 384. $21.95 each; $39.95 set. Not too long ago a fellow Dominican who wanted to do some personal updating and retooling in theology asked me to recommend to him some hooks in Catholic systematics which would show him the lay of (...)
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    The Trinity and Feminism.Gregory Rocca - 1993 - The Thomist 57 (3):509-520.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE TRINITY AND FEMINISM * GREGORY RoccA, O.P. Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology Berkeley, California SPEAKING THE CHRISTIAN GOD is a substantial and fundamental theological response to the basic assumptions and conclusions of the burgeoning feminist movement within Christian theology. Its opponent is clearly theological feminism, not that egalitarian feminism which seeks justice for women within church and society. Noting the " paucity of critical response (...)
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    God Encountered: A Contemporary Catholic Systematic Theology. Vol. 1: Understanding the Christian Faith by Frans Jozef van Beeck, S.J. [REVIEW]Gregory Rocca - 1992 - The Thomist 56 (1):141-145.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS God Encountered: A Contemporary Catholic Systematic Theology. Vol. I: Understanding the Faith. By FRANS JOZEF VAN BEECK, S.J. San Francisco: Harper and Row, 1989. Pp. xiii + 338. $27.95. Frans Jozef van Beeck has written an excellent first volume of a projected three-volume opus of systematic theology, a book at once erudite and elegant, complicated in articulated structure yet simple in synthetic viewpoint. The work's architectonic (...)
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    Cost-effectiveness of ancrod treatment of acute ischaemic stroke: results from the Stroke Treatment with Ancrod Trial (STAT).Gregory P. Samsa, David B. Matchar, G. Rhys Williams & David E. Levy - 2002 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 8 (1):61-70.
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    Myths, Misperceptions, and Policy Learning: Comparing Healthcare in the United States and Canada.Gregory P. Marchildon, Capri S. Cafaro & Adalsteinn Brown - 2018 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 46 (4):833-837.
    The U.S. and Canadian health care systems are more similar than is commonly believed. This article debunks some of the powerful myths about these health care systems and opens up the discussion for greater policy learning from both sides of the border. Cross-border comparisons can yield a number of lessons from common policy challenges such as cost control, physician organization and payment, and the organization of health coverage and services for Native Americans and Indigenous Canadians.
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  9. Religious Therapeutics: Body and Health in Yoga and Ayurvedic Medicine.Gregory P. Fields - 1994 - Dissertation, University of Hawai'i
    Religious therapeutics is the term I use to designate relations between health and spirituality, and medicine and religion. Dimensions of religious therapeutics include religious meanings that inform medical theory, religious means of healing, health as part of religious life, and religion as a remedy for human suffering. Classical Yoga is analyzed to establish an initial matrix of religious therapeutics with 5 branches: philosophical foundations, soteriology, value theory, physical practice, and cultivation of consciousness. Through comparative criticism of classical Yoga, the study (...)
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    Liberation as Healing in Classical Yoga.Gregory P. Fields - 2000 - Journal of Indian Philosophy and Religion 5:15-25.
    Classical or Patañjala Yoga diagnoses die human conditon as state of suffering caused by ignorance whose specific form is misidentification of self with psychophysical nature. This paper argues that liberation in Yoga is healing in an ultimate sense, i.e., attainment of well-being with respect to the person's fundamental nature and soteriological potential. Vyāsa's Yogabhasya presents the yogic remedy in terms of a medical model, and this paper excavates the therapeutic paradigm of the Yogasūtras using concept of health distilled from the (...)
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    (1 other version)Bursting the Bounds of Reason?Gregory P. Floyd - 2018 - Diakrisis 1:131-142.
    This paper examines Kant’s metaphor of reason as an island in the Critique of Pure Reasonin order to suggest an unresolved tension at the heart of his critical project, which is addressed in a different way in his Religion within the Bounds of Bare Reason. That tension is between the transcendental circumscription of pure reason and reason’s on persistent pretensions to transcendence. Kant’s model of transcendence is contrasted with two phenomenological models that attempt to articulate the desiderative nature of reason. (...)
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    Introduction.Gregory P. Floyd - 2018 - The Lonergan Review 9:5-10.
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    Introduction: At the Level of our Time.Gregory P. Floyd - 2020 - The Lonergan Review 11:5-10.
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    A Letter From Dean Crawford.Gregory P. Crawford - 2010 - Scientia: Undergraduate Research Journal for the Sciences University of Notre Dame 1.
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  15. Love and Personal Relationships'.P. Gregory - 1995 - In Brenda Almond, Introducing Applied Ethics. Cambridge, USA: Wiley-Blackwell.
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    Transforming Light: Intellectual Conversion in the Early Lonergan.Gregory P. Floyd - 2018 - The Lonergan Review 9:143-148.
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    A Hermeneutic of Generosity: Lonergan’s Rereadings of Phenomenology.Gregory P. Floyd - 2015 - The Lonergan Review 6 (1):134-149.
  18.  29
    Ryan Coyne, Heidegger’s Confessions: The Remains of Saint Augustine in Being and Time and Beyond.Gregory P. Floyd - 2018 - Philosophy Today 62 (4):1311-1314.
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    Uncertainty, Accountability, & HIV‐Infected Physicians.Gregory P. Gramelspacher - 1990 - Hastings Center Report 20 (1):52-52.
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    Introduction.Gregory P. Floyd - 2021 - The Lonergan Review 12:5-15.
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    2. Philosophy between the Old World and the New: Neoscholasticism, Continental Philosophy, and the Historical Subject.Gregory P. Floyd - 2020 - In Gregory P. Floyd & Stephanie Rumpza, The Catholic Reception of Continental Philosophy in North America. University of Toronto Press. pp. 58-89.
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    The Catholic Reception of Continental Philosophy in North America.Gregory P. Floyd & Stephanie Rumpza (eds.) - 2020 - University of Toronto Press.
    "Why is it that so many Catholics continue to find Continental Philosophy attractive? This volume by leading philosophers and theologians explores the reception of continental philosophy, and its history within Catholic Institutions in the twentieth century. From its earliest days in North America, Catholic philosophers and theologians have been the strongest supporters of continental philosophy; in turn, this has contributed to the intellectual enrichment of Catholic universities, making an important mark on Catholic thought. By taking a stance towards the evolving (...)
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    The Jungle and the Aroma of Meats: An Ecological Theme in Hindu Medicine.Gregory P. Fields - 1993 - Philosophy East and West 43 (2):331-334.
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    Emotional intensity and categorisation ratings for emotional and nonemotional words.Gregory P. Strauss & Daniel N. Allen - 2008 - Cognition and Emotion 22 (1):114-133.
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    Ian Alexander Moore, Eckhart, Heidegger, and the Imperative of Releasement. [REVIEW]Gregory P. Floyd - 2020 - Gatherings: The Heidegger Circle Annual 10:254-261.
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    Introduction.Gregory P. Floyd - 2022 - The Lonergan Review 13:5-15.
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    Globalisation and Tertiary Education in the Asia-Pacific: The Changing Nature of a Dynamic Market. Edited by Christopher Findlay and William G. Tierney.Gregory P. Fairbrother - 2011 - British Journal of Educational Studies 59 (2):202-204.
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    Religious Therapeutics: Body and Health in Yoga, Ayurveda, and Tantra.Gregory P. Fields - 2001 - SUNY Press.
    Explores the relationship between health and religion based on the model offered by the Hindu traditions of Yoga, Ayurveda, and Tantra.
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    Crossing the Rubicon: The Borderlands of Philosophy and Theology. By Emmanuel Falque. Translated by Reuben Shank.Gregory P. Floyd - 2018 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 92 (1):179-183.
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    Heidegger’s Eschatology. By Judith Wolfe.Gregory P. Floyd - 2015 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 89 (2):355-359.
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    Introduction.Gregory P. Floyd - 2019 - The Lonergan Review 10:5-12.
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    Mediating Meaning.Gregory P. Floyd - 2018 - The Lonergan Review 9:124-129.
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    Extremely premature birth bioethical decision-making supported by dialogics and pragmatism.Gregory P. Moore & Joseph W. Kaempf - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-9.
    Moral values in healthcare range widely between interest groups and are principally subjective. Disagreements diminish dialogue and marginalize alternative viewpoints. Extremely premature births exemplify how discord becomes unproductive when conflicts of interest, cultural misunderstanding, constrained evidence review, and peculiar hierarchy compete without the balance of objective standards of reason. Accepting uncertainty, distributing risk fairly, and humbly acknowledging therapeutic limits are honorable traits, not relativism, and especially crucial in our world of constrained resources. We think dialogics engender a mutual understanding that: (...)
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  34. A Worldview of Everything: A Contemporary First Philosophy, by Fr. Brian Cronin, ed. Mark T. Miller (Pickwick Publications, 2022. 380 pp.). [REVIEW]Gregory P. Floyd - 2022 - Method 36 (2):123-135.
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    Cost‐effectiveness of ancrod treatment of acute ischaemic stroke: results from the Stroke Treatment with Ancrod Trial (STAT).Gregory P. Samsa PhD, David B. Matchar Md, G. Rhys Williams ScD & David E. Levy Md - 2002 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 8 (1):61-70.
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    Giving the Body Its Due.Gregory P. Fields - 1995 - Philosophy East and West 45 (3):431-437.
    Eleven interdisciplinary essays investigate embodiment in contexts including epistemology, medicine and psycho-therapeutics, language, and art. An excellent resource for education in medicine, psychology, and other healing arts, as well as for researchers and others concerned with the body. Each essay opens meanings in the increasingly active field of philosophy of body. Western and non-Western sources contribute to "a metaphysics that upholds the truths of experience.".
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  37. Design and Validation of a Novel New Instrument for Measuring the Effect of Moral Intensity on Accountants’ Propensity to Manage Earnings.Jeanette Ng, Gregory P. White, Alina Lee & Andreas Moneta - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 84 (3):367-387.
    The goal of this study was to construct a valid new instrument to measure the effect of moral intensity on managers' propensity to manage earnings. More specifically, this study is a pilot study of the impact of moral intensity on financial accountants' propensity to manage earnings. The instrument, once validated, will be used in a full-study of managers in the hotel industry. Different ethical scenarios were presented to respondents in the survey; each ethical scenario was designed in both high or (...)
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    Book Review: Finding the Mind: Pedagogy for Verifying Cognitional Theory, by Catherine Blanche King. [REVIEW]Gregory P. Floyd - 2015 - The Lonergan Review 6 (1):211-214.
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    Heidegger and Theology. By Judith Wolfe. [REVIEW]Gregory P. Floyd - 2016 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 90 (3):578-582.
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    Isolation, serial position, and rehearsal in free recall.Francis S. Bellezza & Gregory P. Hofstetter - 1974 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 3 (5):362-364.
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    On Society and Experience.Herman Schmalenbach & Gregory P. Stone - 1980 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 40 (4):602-603.
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    Sex of the experimenter as a variable in the autokinetic illusion.John L. Allen, Susan J. Sipes & Gregory P. Sipes - 1977 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 9 (6):397-398.
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    Assessing the quality of colorectal cancer care: do we have appropriate quality measures? (A systematic review of literature).Meenal Patwardhan, Deborah A. Fisher, Christopher R. Mantyh, Douglas C. McCrory, Michael A. Morse, Robert G. Prosnitz, Kathryn Cline & Gregory P. Samsa - 2007 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 13 (6):831-845.
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    Towards quantifying the aesthetic outcomes of breast cancer treatment: comparison of clinical photography and colorimetry.Min Soon Kim, William N. Rodney, Tara Cooper, Chris Kite, Gregory P. Reece & Mia K. Markey - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (1):20-31.
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    Should Extremely Premature Babies Get Ventilators During the COVID-19 Crisis?Marlyse F. Haward, Annie Janvier, Gregory P. Moore, Naomi Laventhal, Jessica T. Fry & John Lantos - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (7):37-43.
    In a crisis, societal needs take precedence over a patient’s best interests. Triage guidelines, however, differ on whether limited resources should focus on maximizing lives or life-years. Choosing between these two approaches has implications for neonatology. Neonatal units have ventilators, some adaptable for adults. This raises the question of whether, in crisis conditions, guidelines for treating extremely premature babies should be altered to free-up ventilators. Some adults who need ventilators will have a survival rate higher than some extremely premature babies. (...)
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    Innovative Holistic Teaching in a Canadian Neonatal Perinatal Residency Program.Thierry Daboval, Emanuela Ferretti & Gregory P. Moore - 2014 - Hastings Center Report 44 (6):21-25.
    Ethically complex and challenging cases confront health care professionals in neonatal‐perinatal medicine more often than in most other subspecialties in medicine. Neonatologists regularly encounter situations where crucial life‐or‐death decisions need to be made in the best interest of an infant and its family. While physicians and their professional societies seem to dictate this best interest standard by weighing the risk of mortality and morbidities, parents may have other perspectives to be considered.Our review of programs for teaching ethics in Canadian neonatal‐perinatal (...)
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  47. Explanations for the transition of the junior secondary school chemistry curriculum in the People's Republic of China during the period from 1978 to 2001. [REVIEW]Bing Wei & Gregory P. Thomas - 2005 - Science Education 89 (3):451-469.
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  48. Book reviews and notices. [REVIEW]Sita Anantha Raman, Robert Nichols Richard, Joshua Searle-White, Heather T. Frazer, Timothy Lubin, Robin Rinehart, Joel R. Smith, Andrea Pinkney, David Gordon White, John Powers, Phyllis Herman, Lawrence A. Babb, Carl Olson, June McDaniel, Knut A. Jacobsen, John E. Cort, Gregory P. Fields & Jeffrey J. Kripal - 2000 - International Journal of Hindu Studies 4 (2):185-216.
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    Looking beyond Popper: how philosophy can be relevant to ecology.Tina Heger, Alkistis Elliott-Graves, Marie I. Kaiser, Katie H. Morrow, William Bausman, Gregory P. Dietl, Carsten F. Dormann, David J. Gibson, James Griesemer, Yuval Itescu, Kurt Jax, Andrew M. Latimer, Chunlong Liu, Jostein Starrfelt, Philip A. Stephens & Jonathan M. Jeschke - 2025 - Oikos 2025 (2):e10994.
    Current workflows in academic ecology rarely allow an engagement of ecologists with philosophers, or with contemporary philosophical work. We argue that this is a missed opportunity for enriching ecological reasoning and practice, because many questions in ecology overlap with philosophical questions and with current topics in contemporary philosophy of science. One obstacle to a closer connection and collaboration between the fields is the limited awareness of scientists, including ecologists, of current philosophical questions, developments and ideas. In this article, we aim (...)
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    Modeling Working Memory to Identify Computational Correlates of Consciousness.James A. Reggia, Garrett E. Katz & Gregory P. Davis - 2019 - Open Philosophy 2 (1):252-269.
    Recent advances in philosophical thinking about consciousness, such as cognitive phenomenology and mereological analysis, provide a framework that facilitates using computational models to explore issues surrounding the nature of consciousness. Here we suggest that, in particular, studying the computational mechanisms of working memory and its cognitive control is highly likely to identify computational correlates of consciousness and thereby lead to a deeper understanding of the nature of consciousness. We describe our recent computational models of human working memory and propose that (...)
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